Secret Salon Series

We are delighted to announce our Secret Salon Series, offering immersive cultural experiences that merge art, education, science, music, and nature in unexpected ways. Events are held at Secret Headquarters, our beautiful studio in East Vancouver, home to hundreds of enchanting lanterns as seen at our Annual Winter Solstice Festival.

Drawing from life and death

Tuesday, March 19, 2023

6:30 PM - 9:30 PM PST

Since the dawn of human existence Nature has inspired exploration and creativity. Join us as we celebrate Spring Equinox - the equal balance of light & dark - and explore the mysteries of life and death by drawing skulls illuminated by the light of pure beeswax candles. Immerse yourself in the lantern-lit environment of Secret Headquarters as artist and environmentalist Celina Starnes shares her personal collection of found skulls and offers interesting facts about the animals to stimulate your curiosity and invoke the artistic muse.

Bring your sketchbook and favourite drawing tools or experiment with the drawing materials provided as Celina offers gentle encouragement, with complimentary tea and treats. Featuring deliciously live musical accompaniment by cellist Martin Reisle to keep you inspired!

Artist Bio

Celina Starnes’ day job is the Operations and Outreach Director at the Endangered Ecosystems Alliance, a national conservation organization. There, she is driving forward solutions to the biodiversity and climate crises by fostering meaningful collaboration across diverse stakeholders, accelerating conservation on a national scale. She grew up in Montreal, fully enjoying the city’s rich culture, as she started a career in visual arts. After completing schooling at the McGill School of Environment, she headed west to BC to start contributing to nature protection in creative ways. After the workday is done, she enjoys dreaming up novel ideas for nature-centred events that introduce people to ecology in fun and sometimes weird ways! These events are a throwback to her many years in environmental education as a tour guide at Ducks Unlimited, an events coordinator Metro Vancouver Parks, and as the public education manager at Stanley Park.

Getting Here: Secret Headquarters is located at 1398 East 3rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC. Bus # 22 is within walking distance; VCC Clark and Commercial Skytrain Stations are within 10 minutes' walk. Free parking on the street and in the large parking lot in the alley between 3rd and 4th.

Accessibility: Secret Headquarters is wheelchair and walker accessible. If you have specific accessibility needs, please get in touch with us at (778) 323-9489 or

Omi, our lovely resident feline, loves to attend our gatherings. Please let us know if you have allergies and we will gently explain to him why he needs to stay home that night.